Sunday, February 8, 2015

Chase, according to his cousin, in the area around the Spratlys, but no location specified coordina

- Clash AT SEA - (Mai Thanh Hai). "... There is something to confirm the image, video clip that netizens have seen for the past, not the so-called 'arrangement, staging, performing tricks' as many people mistakenly flush g". - Vietnamese Marine Police Video Shows Ramming Into Chinese Vessel (NTDTV). hubble telescope Vietnamese marine police blocked a Chinese marine surveillance vessel Into the its territorial waters from trespassing. The incident happened in October. Video footage posted on YouTube-shows-the Vietnamese vessel ramming Into the Chinese hubble telescope ship to stop it from intruding in Vietnam's waters. Tension Between China and Vietnam over the sea Dispute in recent months has Escalated. In June this year, Vietnamese Chinese vessels prevented ships from oil and gas Exploration Carrying out in the South China Sea. The incident triggered protests Against the Chinese regime hubble telescope Nearly every week in Hanoi. On October 11th, the two Communist Countries signed a pact to spend the weekend Ongoing sea settle conflicts. But, barely two weeks later, a Chinese state newspaper published an editorial warning of the "sounds of cannons." On Monday, the Chinese regime made two new claims in the South China Sea. The South China Sea is believed to hold large oil and gas deposits. China, Vietnam, and four other Countries, have Competing claims on portions of the sea, with China the largest staking claim. - A few comments on the clip "Tau Vietnam Chasing Dogs!?!?" hubble telescope (Danlambao) beggars (danlambao) - After about a week since the clip of "Tau Vietnam Chasing Dog" was released on youtube hubble telescope dated 06.11.2011, has much copied hubble telescope and posted it back then, and more personal websites, forums and abroad incessant hubble telescope debate. However, both the government hubble telescope side, Vietnam hubble telescope (VN) and China (China), hubble telescope without a word of protest or recognition; there is not even a newspaper article of the party about the event. For the public, it seems the majority of people in VN believes that "chase boat ship VN chief China Sea"; People overseas and reverse some of the water to be turned clip staged fake. So what is the truth while the clip is not only the date, even narration to introduce event or origin?
First of all, we try to look at some typical article, speaks comments, opinions of the author. As in "information service" Ship me just run like a dog chasing its ship "," 10/11/2011,, Earth Dragon author recounts the phone with his cousin serving in the Navy People VN, reads as follows:
"I brought the story" warlike ships chasing us ship it "out there telling you guys, it always said:" Train em there, just ship it runs like a dog chasing a few days ago. "I'm cold all the emotion, proud brother directly involved hubble telescope (home) event is this bombshell. " hubble telescope
As such, the author asserts that the cousin of the author, as well as Marines VN, participate directly in the "chase the dog," but did not specify the number of the ship Navy VN. Followed by testimonies cousin:
Chase, according to his cousin, in the area around the Spratlys, but no location specified coordinate. For a soldier who served in the Navy, unless Entry vague because, usually aware of the position coordinates hubble telescope of the ship at sea to know what is going on. Especially exciting hubble telescope event like this, cousin, hubble telescope Marines, also known coordinates of the team through discussion. During "from dawn to dusk", so take at least more than 5 hours, the two ships to move around quite far from CTS as "force it out of its waters." Assuming as "force it" contrary to the north, probably until ... Paracel; even if the "squeeze hubble telescope it out" outside the South China Sea, he could have been far more mids point (position above the median) of the Seventh Fleet of the United States hubble telescope lying in international waters. Whatever it was, chief China Sea ship is a foreign ship, not numbers mentioned!
"The fact that nearly a month ago, sir, in the 2 CSB (Coast Guard) area near Ly Son. There was instructed to leave flexing maritime surveillance, silver go before China. Comrade Captain was up rank ahead of time. A greeting to him (by the state-level information). "
In the narrative hubble telescope of the interview, hubble telescope "The Vietnam Online" with Colonel Pham Thanh Hoa "Chasing Chinese marine surveillance vessels' Coast Guard '', 11.08.2011, reporter Khoi Nguyen, Colonel Chemistry confirmed hubble telescope that the Coast Guard vessel, not the Navy VN such that their brother said. Although Colonel hubble telescope Chemistry always avoided some questions are normal, but the position of the Navy commissioned the fourth, we knew that the Colonel hubble telescope is responsible including the Spratly area While members lanha92 for the events happening in the area 2 C

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