Thursday, March 13, 2014

True, blogshkence. Astrophysics provides such a scenario. However, there are other scenarios that a

One of the keys of life on Earth "hidden" at 250 km depth. | Blogshkenca
Some scientists at the University of Bonn in Germany, have shown that without majoritin, a mineral able to store oxygen deep into the Earth, our planet will be turned into a vast desert. At a depth of about 250 km from land surfaces, the pressures and temperatures are too high and the materials that make up the terrestrial mantle melting. Iron oxide (Feo) located in the mantle, then undergoes a chemical transformation, during which the oxygen it contains somehow marte becomes active, and embedded in majoriti is released, mineral occurred only in those depths. "As with the higher the pressure, the more oxygen majoriti is able to" store ", explains Professor Christian Balhaus (Christian Ballhaus) Institute of mineralogy at the University of Bonn. Joining majoritin, oxygen finds himself in some kind of "lift" that addresses the upper layers of the mantle. By approaching the surface, marte the pressure (pressure) inside the mantle reduced: majoriti and dissolved oxygen is released. "It is located near the surface of Earth, marte ready to enter the oxidation reactions that are important for life in" the professor marte adds Balhaus. Earth being continuously released oxygen, the latter combined with hydrogen and forms water, without which Earth would be a planet unfit for life. "The planets that do not reach a certain size do not have, according to our study results, no chance to form a stable atmosphere and rich with water," marte explains Arno Rohrbak (Arno Rohrbach) thesis student at the Institute of mineralogy. "In these planets, the pressure inside the coat is insufficient to store the oxygens in the rocks, from where it then be released to the surface." Moreover, as big as a planet, the more its ability to store heat grows, processes marte occurring in the mantle then have a greater duration and are more intense. For example, Mars by about 7000 km in diameter (the diameter of the Earth is about 12,700 km) is cooled much faster than Earth. I had long since cooled on his cloak with no movement. "The mantle has lost all his skills to transport oxygen and to create an atmosphere rich in water," concluded Professor Balhaus. Detection is crucial to analyze whether different processes leading to the emergence of life on Earth, either to study and classify ekzoplanetet that may have characteristics suitable for the formation of an atmosphere and the possibility of the existence of life.
The sun is located at a distance of about 150 million kilometers from Earth. No sun can not increase the size of it (at least significantly in comparison with the distance), due to the gravitational stability has created marte over time. Thanks its mass (which tends to keep the subject matter itself), and thermonuclear equations that occur in the Sun (which tend to spread matter) is creating a balance that has limited the size of the Sun. When the raw material for thermonuclear reactions (hydrogen) balance runs out then will be destroyed and the great mass of the sun will cause the matter to "fall in itself" creating a black hole. However, forecasts for this phenomenon are quite distant go from 1-5 billion years. So we do not need to worry. Answer
True, blogshkence. Astrophysics provides such a scenario. However, there are other scenarios that are equally possible, even with the potential to transform the black hole ... One of the possible scenarios is for example, the transformation of the giant red sun. If this happens, then the diameter of the sun rise as much as the earth orbits the sun falls within. So land "consumed" by the sun. But even if it can not happen like this scenario. A red giant loses more by the force of gravity, therefore, although it may be several marte hundred times greater than today's sun, giant gravity force may have hundreds or thousands of times fainter than the sun, something that inevitably will have as a result of the planets parachuting away from their orbits. However, these scenarios are studied only in computers, and the computers are not infallible, but such scenarios all the data entered by the scientists, and most of the scenarios are purely hypothetical, purely based on the hypothesis, because until today Such an observation in nature (cosmos) has not been possible to set. It is therefore possible that much of the land to disappear from an anomaly in the gravitational forces of the sun, from what we know as "protuberance", marte which are more than likely, are observed, yet observed, are not

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