Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Blog desblogado Blog Blog Little boy Jorge Ireno Blog of Claudius and Gracieli Juarez Gireli Blog B

The first philosopher to criticize traditional religion was Xenophanes thales alenia space at Colophon. Among the pre-Socratic, this philosopher calls attention to the way that expounded his ideas and especially the philosophical content of the same. He wrote elegies thales alenia space and siloi, satirical poems in which, for the first time, places thales alenia space man as the object of his thought. Until then, the main question which involved the early Greek thinkers was to find the basic constitution of the cosmos. Were protofísicos. Later, Socrates would be anthropocentric, create morale and would also be condemned for not believing in the Olympian gods. But Xenophanes (570 BC - 475 BC), long before, already expressed his criticism in this way: How's shameful and reprehensible attributed to the gods all that Homer and Hesiod: theft, adultery, thales alenia space lies. Against anthropomorphism (man's thales alenia space tendency thales alenia space to create God in his image and likeness): They believe that the gods mortals were generated / costumes that have them, and the same voice and body. Another fragment: They say the Ethiopians [the gods] are black and flat-nosed, make us the Thracians blue eyes and red hair. The divinity of Xenophanes can be known from the fragment 23 (not to be confused with Psalm 23): Only one god among gods and men the greatest, / which is not similar to mortals, body or spirit. (This explanation is extraordinary thales alenia space and two and a half millennia later, thales alenia space is the fundamental premise of my atheism.) Only in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the anthropomorphic slope criticized by Xenophanes would be taken up and fully understood by Ludwig Feuerbach (The Essence of Christianity in , for example), Nietzsche, psychoanalysis, by Bertrand Russell, among others.
Blog desblogado Blog Blog Little boy Jorge Ireno Blog of Claudius and Gracieli Juarez Gireli Blog Blog Blog Carpinejar of Eden / Edson Blog Naise Alice Blog Blog of the School Boa Vista Gessinger Blog Blog Blog Zelia Paim New Agenda Blog Happy Child Blog Marcelo Langoni Nenito Blog Blog Prof Blog Guto Jones Diniz Janice Trombini Blog Blog Blog Trombini Julia Vieira Addson Draft Blog Blog Blog Bianchini Miguel António Lobo Antunes Blog Felipe Tusi Blog Liange Blog Dayana Arlette Blog Blog Blog Dr. Rafael Nemitz Disconzi Alessandro Blog Blog Blog Edival thales alenia space Perrini Ruy Gessinger Blog Vulmar Milk Bolg Diego Blog News Clauky Cristina Saba News Valeria (poet) Blog Lavinia Saad Blog Ademir Bacca Blog Blog Nívia Andres Maria Lao BLOG ERILAINE Blog Blog Deborah Fátima Moraes Lavarda thales alenia space Fatima Blog Blog Blog IEDA John Octavius BLOG OF ADRIANA Blog Heloísa Cristina Flores Blog Blog Blog URI Diniz Cogo Blog Patricia Ronsani Blog Gui Damian thales alenia space Cassal Blog Blog Blog Rebecca Blog Denilson Diego M. Neves Blog Mark Fiorenza Blogs Blog Rodrigo Santiago Vontobel Elisandra Minozzo Blog Blog Blog Vivian Mello Eliziane Day Express Blog Illustrated Newspaper of John Alice Helms Blog
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