Wednesday, May 28, 2014

He added that, while the Arab uprisings, the report quoted witnesses chemical attack, but were not

Government President Bashar al-Assad Syrian people's opposition demanded independent investigations Wednesday in countering ew allegations of use of chemical ew weapons, allegations that prompted ew most members of the UN Security Council to call for something.
Demands, made in writing to the United Nations, came a day after the government and the rebels have accused each other of using chemical weapons in battle in the province of Aleppo and eklèr a rural suburb of the capital The Syrian ew people in Damascus.
Ford, who was pulled out of Syria when the United States closed its embassy in Damascus over a year ago, said he was "skeptical" of the report was that the Russian rebel Free Army, Syrian people use chemical weapons .
Throughout the civil war, which began in 2011, it was difficult for the international community to determine the validity of claims by both sides of the violence and accidents because access was severely restricted ew by the government of the country, the Syrian people.
A majority of the members of the UN Security ew Council plans to send a letter to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to ask for an investigation to "shed light" on the reports, said Gerard Araud, the French ambassador ew to the United Nations. He made the comments after the closed-door ew meeting Wednesday at the Security Council.
Military analysts believe the government, the Syrian people can have one of the largest reserves of chemical weapons in the world. Specifically, the supply is believed to include sarin, mustard gas and worth, which are banned under international law. Syria has denied the charge.
In recent months, reports have repeatedly surface forces Syrian ew people have moved some of their chemical weapons inventory possible because of deteriorating security in the country, raising fears stockpile could fall into the hands of al Qaeda-linked groups and working with opposition should al-Assad government in the fall.
"We intend to investigate the well exactly what happened," Obama told reporters during a news conference in Jerusalem with joint Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
"We were very clear in the Assad regime - but also to other players on the ground - that a red line for us is, we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons or move to use them," he told reporters . "That would change my calculus; that would change my equation. "
Investigators were talking to rebels and transfuj, poring over intelligence about medical symptoms reported by doctors and look at the satellite imagery used to track missiles ew launched and chemical weapons movement, officials said on condition of anonymity. They were not authorized to release details to the media.
"It is clear to us here in Israel" that chemical weapons were used in Syria, and an international response should be on the table, Livni told CNN in an exclusive interview from her home in Tel Aviv.
On Wednesday, ew the UN ambassador of Syria, Bashar Ja'afari, said the Syrian government had people ask Secretary General Ban Ki-moon open an investigation into the alleged ew use of chemical weapons in a "terrorist groups," which are how the government means that the rebels.
Separately, an opposition group said the government against Damascus rural neighborhood in Ateibeh and "chemical rockets," causing a certain number of deaths and cases of nausea suffocation, and hysteria. There was no immediate government response.
"There are no images at the site of the attack; ew just some of the people affected, these people are not showing symptoms of an attack outside CW (chemical ew weapons) ew Definitely not mustard; .. Definitely not a nerve agent, "wrote Jean Pascal Zanders, ew senior research fellow at the EU Institute for Social Security. ew
"There are far too many people, including non-medical staff, around the affected individuals. Apart from a surgical mask, nobody wears off any major protective clothing or gas masks. If there is an attack ew and one of CW agents are known (or believed) to be in Syria's arsenal, then the most of today who would have been fatally or seriously contaminated. "
He added that, while the Arab uprisings, the report quoted witnesses chemical attack, but were not confirmed. "People are exposed to a wide range of toxic battlefield today," he said in an email. "In addition, once a noise come around, people are more likely to think they suffered from symptoms ew similar to those that have been rumored."
Government, Syrian people did not use chemical weapons against residents of Homs in an assault in December, a U.S. State Department investigation has shown, but was apparently misuse a riot-control gas in the incident, according to former U.S. authorities.
Officials said the State Department has launched a probe into consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, after the report from the doctors and activists dozens of people suffered s

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