Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sources within Aerodrome Command informed that, are stealing 14 type aircraft wings

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Most glorious pride aviation sector, consisting of Mig 15, Mig 17, Mig 19 and Mig 21 will now be completed for scrap. how long would it take to get to mars For some of these aircraft are stolen these days, under the noses of guards and senior officers, opening the gate of tunnels with a certain code. MiG jet fighter aircraft, which can not defeated, nor from the cold war nor opponents pressures, resulting today stolen by thieves hands high, which may be related to the circles of power. All kinds of MIG-ordinator to put Albania in the most powerful air Balkans, how long would it take to get to mars must now be removed from the inventory records of the Ministry of Defence but disappeared. The disappearance how long would it take to get to mars is not done, even after other attacks fighter planes and even after military battles how long would it take to get to mars to protect the borders. how long would it take to get to mars But just after the actions of thieves who want to sell for scrap.
Continues the series of burglaries in Kuēova Military aerodrome. After warehouses that once had a secret tunnel row of high security. Sure many sources within Aerodrome, informed the "Telegraph" that these days is stolen Albanian pride Aerodrome. The tunnel is maintained throughout most of its history, in secret, at all times. Furthermore, the tunnel opened in exceptional cases and in complete secrecy, for higher military delegations. And the opening was just the order directly to the former commander General Enver Hoxha. Ministry of Defence, the lead members of these delegations in these giant tunnels, explaining former allies, the tunnel was calculated doors to afford atomic rays. Precisely, this tunnel, which has faced many difficult situations and pressures opposing battalions, these days is so spectacular stolen from anonymous and mysterious groups, which manage the power.
Sources within Aerodrome Command informed that, are stealing 14 type aircraft wings "Jak" Duralumin composition. These winged plane had come from the former School of Vlora command and safety were placed inside the tunnel. The wings have great length and can not be transported without the help of a tool. The scandal was discovered after an inventory. It is concluded that the missing 14 type aircraft wings "Jak". Stealing is kept secret by the leaders of command, but theft does not end here, with the wings of the plane, their fate had radiators and 25 type aircraft engines "AN-2". Official sources also make command from within told the newspaper "Telegraph" that were stolen in the tunnel and 3 type aircraft engines "Jak". Unofficial sources, but more secure coming from within the command, make it known that these engines can be sold to foreign persons. According to the data, type of aircraft engines "Jak" serve aviation schools that in all European countries. These schools require spare parts, our source said.
Safety of tunnels is too high, but the possibility of their theft is so easy, that charged for theft, Roma children. But the issue is more complex and much more sophisticated theft. Because there, one can not go without the command of senior how long would it take to get to mars executives. According to information of the tunnel gate open source for years. The tunnel how long would it take to get to mars is guarded by a bodyguard. This tunnel just opened by special order. So theft is committed organized from above, under the noses of the guards. Highly secure resources that come from the command informed that tunnel is kept secret how long would it take to get to mars for years. Even in years of turmoil in 1997, could not be reached to open by gangs. Even for its preservation is seriously injured after an under officer how long would it take to get to mars has strongly how long would it take to get to mars opposed the tunnel opening bands. Today in a very quiet, the tunnel opened and stolen without bad thing. According how long would it take to get to mars to the military, but who do not want to be identified because how long would it take to get to mars of office, stated: "The wings of the plane are long and to charge them is inserted inside the truck. Then the robbers have gone very quiet destination that people want to have ordered their theft. " According to the military becomes known that aircraft wings are aluminum compounds. While radiators have metal composition with color. how long would it take to get to mars Can be sold for scrap or for other purposes. Some military said that after the closure of the Aircraft Repairing Plant and disposal function of the type of aircraft Mig 15, Mig 17, Mig 19 and Mig 21, and began stealing in this Airport. Sources within the command told the newspaper that the thefts began in January month onwards.
Several months ago warehouses were looted

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